

アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): Ukrainian anti-aircraft gunners shoot down two more Ka-52

2023年8月19日(Sat.)11:00UP       :   ロシア国民よ目覚めよ! 一斉蜂起せよ、民主国家に転換せよ、今は恐怖国家だ! プーチンFSBによる恐怖政治に犯されている。(ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie     8月17日発 )


Ukraine counter-offensive: Ukrainian anti-aircraft gunners shoot down two more Ka-52 helicopter gunships, increasing the kill rate to 42

Ukrainian anti-aircraft gunners have reportedly shot down two more Ka-52 helicopter gunships, increasing the overall kill rate to 42.

The aircraft were blown out of the skies over the Zaporizhzhia and Bakhmut regions respectively in recent days.

Russian leadership had once again placed their misguided confidence on this model, believing that Ukraine had nothing to counter it with. They know better now, after losing so many machines -at over $10m apiece- thanks in no small measure to Latvia, which transferred most of its Stinger anti-aircraft weapon systems to Ukraine in late April.

Interestingly, Russian airmen are no stranger to falling prey to Stinger missiles. These relatively simple weapons single-handedly ended the Soviet Union’s air superiority threat during the Soviet-Afghan war in the 1980s.



プーチン一派は、人の命を何とも思っていない。但し我が身・身内は別だ。実に利己主義者としか言えない。ロシア国民は不幸だ。そしてそれの犠牲になっているウクライナの人々はもっと不幸だ! ロシア国民は膨大な戦争賠償金を背負い込んでいる、未来永劫に!

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