

アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): Ukrainian operators pull off tactical masterstroke

2023年7月27日(Thu.)12:00UP       :   ロシアの卑劣なミサイル攻撃等も続いています。早くロシア国民よ立ち上がれ! 日和見主義と決別せよ! ロシアは今や史上最悪のテロ国家に成り下がっているゾ! (ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie  7月26日発 )


Ukraine counter-offensive: Ukrainian operators pull off tactical masterstroke by luring elite Russian troops into the open and then executing textbook ambush -about a dozen Russian paratroopers eliminated

Ukrainian operators have pulled off a tactical masterstroke by luring elite Russian troops into the open and then executing a textbook ambush. The massacre resulted in about a dozen Russian paratroopers being eliminated.


The operation unfolded in the Klishchiivka sector in eastern Ukraine, near Bakhmut. The ruse began by first flushing Russian units out of their defensive positions. Then, Ukrainian operators feigned retreat, prompting the Russians to engage in pursuit, believing they had the upper hand.

Unbeknownst to the unfortunate Russian troops, however, Ukrainian gunners attached to the 80th Air Assault Brigade had the area zeroed in. Once pursuing Russians entered a pre-determined kill zone, Ukrainian guns and mortars opened up. The Russians drove headlong into a wall of murderous and well-aimed fire.

Ukrainian troops also managed to advance in the nearby town of Andriivka, south of Klishchiivka.

ウクライナの西部地域に向けてロシアから超音速ミサイルが発射されているようです。ロシアの蛮行を止めよ! 止めるのはロシア国民自身だ! 戦争賠償額は未来永劫に続くぞ! ロシア国民の肩に!

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