

アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): Ongoing bombardment forces Russia to disperse

2023年8月23日(Wed.)17:30UP       :   ロシア国民よ目覚めよ! その為にもロシア国営放送は真実を報道せよ! プロパガンダに終始するな! (ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie   8月22日発 )


Ukraine counter-offensive: Ongoing bombardment forces Russia to disperse its rapidly diminishing aircraft fleet

A sustained bombardment campaign has forced Russia to disperse its rapidly diminishing aircraft fleet to minimize losses.

The latest operation saw the total destruction of a Soviet-era Tu-22 strategic bomber on a remote airfield in the Novgorod region, some 700km from the Ukrainian border. The aircraft was completely consumed by fire following a drone strike.

The sheer distance to the target area means that a drone launched from Ukraine would be unlikely to fly to such a remote area unhindered. According to reports, the operation might have been carried out either by a Ukrainian special operations team or by partisans from inside Russian territory. Resistance fighters have been active across occupied territory practically since the start of the invasion.

Russian aircraft have been consistently targeted while on the ground throughout the war, and the arrival of F-16 jets onto the battlefield will compromise Russia’s aviation assets even further.


日本の国営放送も客観的に妥当な内容を時の政権に忖度することなく報道しているのか?! 事実、政権に批判的な発言をすると左遷される実態がある! これは危険な兆候と見るべきだろう。

(別件)その人の名はY.T. だ。

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