

アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): Vanguard units widen the breach of Russia’s first line of defence

2023年8月26日(Sat.)15:00UP       :   プリゴジンは殺害されましたが、同様に、プーチンの報にも触れたいものです。(ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie   8月25日発 )


Ukraine counter-offensive: Vanguard units widen the breach of Russia’s first line of defence in southern sectors -Ukrainian warriors set their sights on the key town of Tokmak, a crucial resupply hub for the invader

Vanguard units have reportedly widened the breach of Russia’s first line of defence in southern sectors along the line of contact in the Zaporizhzhia region.

The apparent success means that Ukrainian warriors can now set their sights on the key town of Tokmak, a crucial resupply hub for the Russian army.


The original breach happened in the town of Robotyne, which was liberated earlier in the week, with Ukrainian units soon exploiting the breakthrough. Ukraine is now in the process of consolidating and reinforcing this bridgehead.

Elsewhere, Ukrainian special forces recently carried out a daring raid in temporarily occupied Ukraine, completely destroying a Russian early warning radar array and several anti-air missile launchers, and eliminating no fewer than 30 enemy troops. The entire special forces team exfiltrated unharmed after completing its mission.



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アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): Ukrainian special forces conduct successful raid

2023年8月25日(Fri.)14:15UP       :    恐怖政治を続けているプーチン政権を打倒出来るのはロシア国民だけです。ロシア国民よ立ち上がれ! 今すぐ! (ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie    8月24日発 )


Ukraine counter-offensive: Ukrainian special forces conduct successful raid in occupied Crimea, eliminating Russian personnel and destroying valuable equipment

Ukrainian special forces have reportedly conducted a successful raid in occupied Crimea, eliminating Russian personnel and destroying valuable equipment.


The raid involved aerial and naval assets. Ukraine reported no casualties.

While specific details have not been released for operational reasons, Ukrainian authorities issued a brief statement to say that ‘all tasks have been completed.’

The Crimean Peninsula has become the target of Ukrainian precision strikes in recent days. An entire air defence battery, including radar, launchers, crew, and support vehicles was destroyed on Cape Tarkhankut earlier this week.



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アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): Wagner boss Yevgeny Prigozhin possibly dead

2023年8月24日(Thu.)16:30UP      ロシアは、およそ100年前の時代が続いているようです.プーチンは時代錯誤で超利己主義者で、且つ、ウソツキなのです.ロシア国民はよくもこれを許しているものです。 スターリン時代が続いているようです。(ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie   8月23日発 )


Wagner boss Yevgeny Prigozhin possibly dead in a mysterious plane crash, only months after mounting a coup against Russian President Vladimir Putin

Wagner boss Yevgeny Prigozhin has reportedly possibly died in a mysterious plane crash, coincidentally only months after mounting a coup against Russian President Vladimir Putin over the ill-fated Ukrainian war.

The former mercenary chief was on board a private jet that crashed near the village of Kuzhenkino Tver region, 60 miles north of Moscow, shortly after taking off. It is understood that there were 10 people on the aircraft, all likely sacrificed just to kill one man.

Most people believed that Mr. Prigozhin was a dead man walking since the moment he led the uprising, and that prediction had turned out to be accurate.



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アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): Ongoing bombardment forces Russia to disperse

2023年8月23日(Wed.)17:30UP       :   ロシア国民よ目覚めよ! その為にもロシア国営放送は真実を報道せよ! プロパガンダに終始するな! (ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie   8月22日発 )


Ukraine counter-offensive: Ongoing bombardment forces Russia to disperse its rapidly diminishing aircraft fleet

A sustained bombardment campaign has forced Russia to disperse its rapidly diminishing aircraft fleet to minimize losses.

The latest operation saw the total destruction of a Soviet-era Tu-22 strategic bomber on a remote airfield in the Novgorod region, some 700km from the Ukrainian border. The aircraft was completely consumed by fire following a drone strike.

The sheer distance to the target area means that a drone launched from Ukraine would be unlikely to fly to such a remote area unhindered. According to reports, the operation might have been carried out either by a Ukrainian special operations team or by partisans from inside Russian territory. Resistance fighters have been active across occupied territory practically since the start of the invasion.

Russian aircraft have been consistently targeted while on the ground throughout the war, and the arrival of F-16 jets onto the battlefield will compromise Russia’s aviation assets even further.


日本の国営放送も客観的に妥当な内容を時の政権に忖度することなく報道しているのか?! 事実、政権に批判的な発言をすると左遷される実態がある! これは危険な兆候と見るべきだろう。

(別件)その人の名はY.T. だ。

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アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): The Netherlands confirms it will donate 42 F-16 jets

2023年8月22日(Tue.)14:30UP      :   ロシア国民よ目を覚ませ! プーチン政権やFSBを打倒・一掃せよ! (ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie   8月21日発 )


The Netherlands confirms it will donate 42 F-16 jets to Ukraine to help establish air superiority over the country

The Netherlands has confirmed it will donate 42 F-16 jets to Ukraine to help establish air superiority over the country.


The historic decision means that the aircraft, when they arrive, will immediately bolster both Ukraine’s defensive and offensive capabilities, given the aircraft’s versatility for air-to-air and air-to-ground roles.

Ukraine’s skies will become deadly for Russian airmen once the F-16 are deployed.



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アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): Moscow comes under bombardment again

2023年8月20日(Sun.)14:15UP       :    良識あるロシア人よ、プーチン政権を打倒せよ! 民主勢力よ立ち上がれ! FSBも逮捕せよ! (ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie    8月18日発 )


Ukraine counter-offensive: Moscow comes under bombardment again, air defence grid ineffective

Moscow has once again come under bombardment, revealing the ineffectiveness of the Russian air defence grid.

A drone slammed into a building in central Moscow, within earshot of the Kremlin.

The strike caused major damage and prompted the immediate closure of the local airspace.

This is the latest in a series of successful aerial incursions designed to instill sheer terror and a sense of growing insecurity in the Russian population. Russians are now acutely aware that they have nowhere to hide, that a drone strike can kill them at any time, day or night, and that authorities can no longer protect them.


ロシアは、またまた、ウクライナの民間施設にミサイルを打ち込みました(ウクライナ北方)。結果、子供を含む7人の死者が出たと報じられています。 プーチン一派は極刑に値します。そして国を挙げて永久に損害賠償を続けることになります。これらから逃れることは世界の良識ある人々が許しません。

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アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): Ukrainian anti-aircraft gunners shoot down two more Ka-52

2023年8月19日(Sat.)11:00UP       :   ロシア国民よ目覚めよ! 一斉蜂起せよ、民主国家に転換せよ、今は恐怖国家だ! プーチンFSBによる恐怖政治に犯されている。(ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie     8月17日発 )


Ukraine counter-offensive: Ukrainian anti-aircraft gunners shoot down two more Ka-52 helicopter gunships, increasing the kill rate to 42

Ukrainian anti-aircraft gunners have reportedly shot down two more Ka-52 helicopter gunships, increasing the overall kill rate to 42.

The aircraft were blown out of the skies over the Zaporizhzhia and Bakhmut regions respectively in recent days.

Russian leadership had once again placed their misguided confidence on this model, believing that Ukraine had nothing to counter it with. They know better now, after losing so many machines -at over $10m apiece- thanks in no small measure to Latvia, which transferred most of its Stinger anti-aircraft weapon systems to Ukraine in late April.

Interestingly, Russian airmen are no stranger to falling prey to Stinger missiles. These relatively simple weapons single-handedly ended the Soviet Union’s air superiority threat during the Soviet-Afghan war in the 1980s.



プーチン一派は、人の命を何とも思っていない。但し我が身・身内は別だ。実に利己主義者としか言えない。ロシア国民は不幸だ。そしてそれの犠牲になっているウクライナの人々はもっと不幸だ! ロシア国民は膨大な戦争賠償金を背負い込んでいる、未来永劫に!

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