

アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): HIMARS strike wipes out group of Russian soldiers

2023年8月18日(Fri.)13:00UP       :    ロシア国民は恐怖政治に押し潰されそうでしょう。ならば、一斉蜂起するしかありません。 プーチンによるデッチ上げ教科書が制作されたようですが、中身はプロパガンダの固まりだと報じられています。(ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie    8月17日発 )


Ukraine counter-offensive: HIMARS strike wipes out group of Russian soldiers practicing their shooting skills at a makeshift firing range

When will Russian troops learn that standing within range of a Ukrainian-operated HIMARS battery is likely to end up in a mighty boom and a fiery demise.


The latest such episode happened in Prymorske, a village in the Kherson area, in recent days. According to battle reports, a group of Russian soldiers were out practicing their shooting skills at a makeshift firing range when death suddenly rained from above.

It is understood that resistance fighters in the area passed on the coordinates to Ukrainian gunners, who quickly went to work on this target of opportunity.

The entire group was eliminated, and the HIMARS operators simply slipped away unnoticed after completing their work.



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