

アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): Heavy machinery spotted

2023年1月4日(Wed.)17:15UP     :   プーチンやその一派は、人の命を何とも思っていないようです。再び動員をかけるかもしれない情報が流れています。(ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie   1月3日発 )


Ukraine counter-offensive: Heavy machinery spotted sifting through the ruins of a barracks flattened by a precise Ukrainian strike

Heavy machinery was spotted today sifting through the ruins of a barracks flattened by a precise Ukrainian strike in recent days, with emergency crews soon realizing that not a brick was left standing and that nothing could have survived.

A building in the small town of Makiivka, in the Donestk region, was targeted by a HIMARS barrage, killing up to 400 recently drafted Russian conscripts stationed there.

Russian officers had apparently thought that housing hundreds of troops alongside a huge ammo stock was a good idea. The pinpoint Ukrainian strike demolished the building, with hundreds of soldiers dying in the ensuing conflagration.

The fallout from the latest disaster afflicting the bumbling Russian army continues today, with many lamenting the tremendous loss of life because of the sheer ineptitude of a couple of officers.

Meanwhile, Ukrainians are celebrating the high score with a comparatively low expenditure of valuable HIMARS projectiles.


ロシア国民よ、ロシアは世界から孤立していますよ! 中国もイランも世界から蔑視されています。遅れた国家です。人民が虐げられています。それで良いのですか? 今こそ立ち上がるべきです!

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