

アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): Russian troops fleeing for their lives

2022年11月4日(Fri.)16:00UP    ロシア兵の銃口の先はウクライナではなくプーチン政権です。武器を持って立ち上がれ! プーチン一派を一掃せよ! (ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie   11月3日発 )


BREAKING: Russian troops fleeing for their lives in the Kherson area after Ukraine issues ultimatum ‘retreat or die’

According to reports just in, Russian troops have been spotted literally fleeing for their lives in the Kherson area after Ukraine issued a dire ultimatum: ‘retreat or die.’

Russian forces have reportedly chosen to do the former in an effort to save their sorry skins.

Ukrainian troops have been organizing for some time before mounting an offensive on the only major city that the Russian army ever managed to seize, but it seems that the Russian rabble is taking the easy way out by hightailing out of Kherson pronto.

The Russian flag was hastily lowered from Kherson’s main administrative building ahead of the possible arrival of Ukrainian warriors.



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