

アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): Russia likely deploying ‘blocking units’

2022年11月5日(Sat.)14:15UP      :   ロシア軍は末期症状を呈しているのでしょう。しかし、最終的にはロシア国民が一斉蜂起してプーチン政権を転覆させる必要があります。それには治安部隊の寝返り等の協力・同調も必須です。(ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie   11月4日発 )


Ukraine counter-offensive: Russia likely deploying ‘blocking units’ to execute anyone caught retreating

There are emerging reports of Russia deploying ‘blocking units’ to execute anyone caught retreating.

The brutal tactic was already used during Second World War, as any Russian soldier moving back to the rear to save their life would be machine-gunned by his fellow men.

There are also rumors that Russian President Vladimir Putin would not bat an eyelid if 10m young Russian men died if it meant that he could stay in power.



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