

アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): Multiple Russian aerial assets shot down

2022年9月25日(Sun.)14:45UP     :   プーチンを追い詰めるのはロシア国民でなければなりません。一斉蜂起するのです。プーチン政権を打倒しましょう。恐怖政治に終止符を打ちましょう! (ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie  9月24日発 )


Ukraine counter-offensive: Multiple Russian aerial assets shot down by Ukrainian fire

There are emerging reports of multiple Russian aerial assets being shot down by Ukrainian fire.

According to the action report, no fewer than seven drones, a transport helicopter, and a ground support aircraft were blown right out of the sky by Ukrainian operators.

Russia has utterly failed to establish air superiority in Ukraine, leading to inadequate support for ground units. This has enabled small Ukrainian strike groups to operate with relative ease and eliminate both ground and air assets.



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