

アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): Russian human rights group questions

2022年9月20日(Tue.)17:30UP      :   プーチンを追い詰めよ! (ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie   9月19日発 )


Ukraine counter-offensive: Russian human rights group questions why prisoners are being sent to die in Ukraine

A Russian human rights group has questioned why prisoners are being sent to die in Ukraine.

It has been widely reported that the Russian army is suffering from an acute shortage of troops due to the deadly efficiency of its Ukrainian foe. Russia is now desperately resorting to dangling the freedom carrot in front of criminals if they ‘volunteer’ to join the army andsurvive six months.

Of course, the prospect of survival for any of these people is slim to none, but they would likely die in Russian jails anyway.


プーチンは兵力の確保に腐心しているようです。それにしても,ロシア国民はいつまで沈黙を続けるのでしょうか? 世界各国が不信感を募らせています,中国やインドでさえも・・・。

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