

アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): Russian troops facing imminent defeat

2022年9月30日(Fri.)15:15UP      :   プーチンの断末魔を見ているような気がしていますが,日和見主義の取り巻き連中が長引かせているようです。ロシア国民よ,ロシア国営放送よ,真実に迫れ! プーチン政権を打倒せよ! 彼らは悪の化身だ! (ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie   9月29日発 )


Ukraine counter-offensive: Russian troops facing imminent defeat in Lyman as Ukrainian army moves to encircle the city

Russian troops are facing imminent defeat in Lyman as the Ukrainian army moves to encircle the city.

Lyman is situated south east of the recently liberated city of Izyum, and not far from the Luhansk border.

According to local sources, Ukrainian troops are moving along three lines of attack running west, north, and northeast of the city.

Should Lyman fall, Ukraine would be in a prime position for a final assault along the Severodonetsk-Lysychansk axis.


ロシア国民は,国外へ逃避するのではなく,首都モスクワへ抗議の行進をするべきだ! プーチンを吊し上げろ! FSBもぶっ潰せ! 日和見主義者たちも吊し上げろ!

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