

アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): Lyman now fully surrounded

2022年10月2日(Sun.)16:30UP     :   プーチンに全ての責任を取らせるべきです。彼は自己保身だけの為にデッチ上げし、そして,ウクライナや自国民を死に追いやりました。彼は自己の権力と富を維持したいだけです。ネオナチなんてウクライナにはほぼ居ません。居るとしたら,それはプーチンそのものです。(ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie   10月1日発 )


BREAKING: Lyman now fully surrounded, no escape possible for the 5,000 Russian troops there

The latest reports confirm that the city of Lyman is now fully surrounded, which means escape for the trapped Russian troops is no longer possible.

Ukrainian units are now expected to close in for the kill from multiple sides.

There are reports that trapped troops begged their commanders to be allowed to retreat when there was still time, but they were told to ‘hold firm.’ Such orders effectively amount to a death sentence for thousands of Russian soldiers.

Lyman is a major objective for Ukraine, as the city’s rail links are key to the Russian supply and logistics network. Denying this link to the Russians means that Russian units deployed north and south of Lyman can no longer be resupplied.


プーチンや上層部の責任を問うべきです。国営放送は政権の手先か?! ロシア国民はこうした事実を知らされているのか?! ロシア国民は今こそ蜂起すべきです。

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