

アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): Russia has already lost on the battlefield

2022年10月19日(Wed.)10:30UP      :   ロシア国民よ一斉蜂起せよ! プーチン政権を打倒せよ! プーチンとその取り巻き連中を逮捕せよ! (ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie   10月18日発 )


Ukraine counter-offensive: Russia has already lost on the battlefield, can only resort to ultimately pointless and wasteful long-range drone attacks

Russia has already lost on the battlefield, and can only resort to ultimately pointless and wasteful long-range drone attacks, according to military analysts.

To highlight this point, wartime Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that ‘Moscow’s use of “kamikaze drones” on Ukraine proves they have “no chance on the battlefield”.

Ukraine’s military, aided by West-supplied weapons, has effectively beaten back the Russian army, now mostly made up of poorly trained prisoners and homeless people plucked from city streets across the country and sent to die in Vladimir Putin’s name.



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