

アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): proclaims Russia as a state sponsor of terrorism

2022年11月24日(Thu.)11:15UP      :   ロシア国民よ、立ち上がれ! プーチン政権のやっていることは大犯罪行為であり、それに対して沈黙することは黙認に等しい。つまり加担しているのだプーチンに。(ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie   11月23日発 )


European Parliament officially proclaims Russia as a state sponsor of terrorism

The European Parliament has officially proclaimed Russia as a state sponsor of terrorism.

The vote was passed by an overwhelming majority.

The official resolution states ‘The deliberate attacks and atrocities carried out by the Russian Federation against the civilian population of Ukraine, the destruction of civilian infrastructure, and other serious violations of human rights and international humanitarian law amount to acts of terror.’



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