

アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): Russian helicopter base wiped off the face of the Earth

2023年7月2日(Sun.)10:00UP     :   混沌とするロシア・プーチン政権、前時代的な国家であることも報じられていますので、ここはロシア国民自身が立ち上がるしかありません。オルガリヒや権力層がプーチンに取って代わるだけでは全く意味がないのです。(ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie   7月1日発 )


Ukraine counter-offensive: Russian helicopter base wiped off the face of the Earth by Ukrainian missile strike -dozens of helicopters destroyed

In what can only be described as a major tactical victory, a salvo of Ukrainian missiles has wiped a Russian helicopter base off the face of the Earth.


The base was located in the temporarily occupied port city of Berdyansk, on the sea of Azov. The facility was being used as operational base for at least 12 attack helicopters, plus a number of bladed recon and medevac aircraft.

The massive strike involved no fewer than 10 weapons, believed to be UK-supplied Storm Shadow missiles. The first missile fell at 8am, with more weapons striking the facility over the following few minutes. The salvo struck without warning, so the number of human Russian casualties is also likely to be extremely high.

Post-strike footage showed six massive plumes of thick, black smoke rising from the area.

Ukrainian battlefield reports simply and succinctly marked the operation as ‘successful.’


ロシア国内・外の民主勢力が結集・決起すべきです! 立ち上がれ、今こそ!

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