

アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): One in seven people want e-scooters banned

2023年7月1日(Sat.)13:30UP      :   日本での規制が緩和されるようですが、道路行政はそれに全く追いついていない印象を持っています。歩道やバス停の在り方、自転車専用レーンの整備、自動車制限道路の整備等々、外国の先進事例等に学んでいるのでしょうか? 全く学んでいないと感じます。(ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie 6月28日発 )


One in seven people want e-scooters banned, new survey claims

One in four people believe e-scooters should be taxed and insured regardless of speed, according to a new poll, reports Breaking News.

With new electric scooter laws expected to be signed into law in the coming weeks, a poll by Aviva Insurance’s iReach Insights found that 36 percent of people believe vehicles pose a danger to pedestrians, with nearly one in seven saying scooters are dangerous. electricity should be completely banned.

More men than women think e-scooters should be banned altogether.


Billy Shannon of Aviva said: “While it is important that we continue to advocate for more sustainable travel choices amongst consumers, particularly in urban areas, it would appear from this survey that there is a real lack of consensus amongst consumers on e-scooters. While the use of e-scooters has increased substantially in recent years, so too sadly has the number of traffic incidents and collisions involving e-scooters,” reports Breaking News.

E-scooters are classified as motor vehicles and require taxes, insurance and a license to ride on public roads. However, it is currently not possible to license or tax e-scooters, which has created legal uncertainty regarding these vehicles, a problem that the new law aims to rectify.

The survey found that 24 percent agreed with the proposed law and thought they should be taxed and insured regardless of speed, while 27 percent were not convinced it would actually work.

People living in Dublin are twice as likely to support this transport ban than those living in Munster.

“It remains to be seen whether the upcoming rules are workable in practice or if the new law should be tweaked so that no e-scooters are exempt from licensing, tax, and insurance. Otherwise, the public disquiet around their use is likely to only increase,” Mr Shannon said, reports Breaking News.



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