

アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): Ukraine targets Russian logistical hubs

2023年7月13日(Thu.)14:45UP      :   ロシア国民よ、ウクライナへの侵攻の大義はどこにも存在しない。ただ単に、プーチンが自分の権益を維持せんが為のデッチ上げ事由で侵略を開始しただけだ。ロシアの権力層はこれを支持しているし、FSBプーチンに盲従している。逆らえば殺されるからだ。この体制から脱却するには、ロシア国民が一斉に蜂起することだ。さすれば、体制側も手が出せなくなって寝返ることだろう。そもそもロシア人は日和見主義者が多過ぎる。社会正義や自己の信念などと言うものは存在していないかのようだ。(ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie  7月12日発 )


Ukraine counter-offensive: Ukraine targets Russian logistical hubs, destroys 2 out of 2 objectives

Ukraine targeted and destroyed two Russian logistical hubs in recent operations, destroying both, and thus achieving a 100% score.


The first site, located in the town of Tokmak, was targeted with HIMARS weapons. Tokmak is a crucial center for frontline logistics for the Russians and thus a high-value target, as the town and its environs are heavily populated with Russian troops, and a lot of equipment is stored there. The HIMARS strike targeted Russian military bases situated on the northwestern outskirts of the town, near a former poultry farm. The intended targets were obliterated.

The second attack occurred in Berdyansk, another key Russian site. Berdyansk is particularly valuable to the Russians because of its port facilities. Ukraine used Storm Shadow for this strike, achieving massive destruction around the port.



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