

アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): Russian commander involved in slaughtering civilians

2023年7月12日(Wed.)13:30UP       :   当然の報いなのでしょうが、本来はプーチンやその一派に向けられるべきものでしょう。プーチンは何十万人もの人々を死に追いやっています。許せる筈がありません。(ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie    7月11日発 )


Russian commander involved in slaughtering civilians in Ukraine meets his deserved fate

Picture source: Kyiv Post

A Russian commander suspected to be involved in slaughtering civilians in Ukraine has met his deserved fate.

Stanislav Rzhytskyi, a deputy head of the local department for mobilization, was shot dead on July 10 during his daily jogging routine.


Rzhytskyi had been in command of the diesel-electric submarine Krasnodar when several missiles struck Vinnytsia on July 14 2022, killing 27 civilians, including 3 children. The missiles’ trajectory was traced back to the craft, which was attached to the Black Sea fleet at the time.

The 42-year-old war criminal was shot 7 times by an unknown assailant. It’s believed that the attacker had been able to track his quarry’s jogging route through a public app, which shared Rzhytskyi’s location. Rzhytskyi was jogging across the Krasnodar Park of Culture and Recreation at the time of his death. The attack appears to have been deliberately carried out at a time when heavy rain meant the park was deserted, so there would be no witnesses.



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