

アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): Raging and humiliated Russian President

2023年5月18日(Thu.)13:00UP     :  ウクライナも一定の被害を被っているようです。早く、ロシア国民は立ち上がれ! プーチン一派やFSBを一掃せよ、今すぐに!(ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie   5月17日発 )


Raging and humiliated Russian President looks for fall guys as his most precious missiles are being shot down all over Ukraine’s secure skies

Ailing Russian President Vladimir Putin is absolutely raging about the fact that his most precious missiles are being shot down all over Ukraine’s now airtight skies.


Following reports that six hypersonic Kinzhal missiles were easily swatted out of the sky by US-provided Patriot platforms in a single night, Mr. Putin is now directing his anger at the team that designed the weapons, as they promised that Kinzhal missiles would be completely unstoppable. The increasingly unhinged and desperate President had told anyone who would listen that these missiles were his wonder weapons and that the West was doomed, but this has been proven to be a maniacal fantasy thanks to superior western armament. In other words, he’s become an international laughingstock.

As a result, the Kinzhal design team has now been accused of ‘treason’ and is now facing a lengthy stay at the old gulag, or worse.


“fall guy“ とは“かつがれて責任をとらされる人“の意味です。


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