

アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): Russian troops paying heavy price

2022年12月3日(Sat.)12:00UP     :   ロシア国民はストリートに出て反戦の声を上げよ! 日和見主義から脱却せよ! プーチン一派を打倒せよ!(ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie  12月2日発 )


Ukraine counter-offensive: Russian troops paying heavy price for slow, tortuous, and ultimately insignificant territorial gains in Bakhmut

Russian troops are reportedly paying a very heavy price for slow, tortuous, and ultimately insignificant territorial gains in Bakhmut.

The town in eastern Ukraine has been at the center of intense fighting over the past few weeks.

Ukrainian troops have admitted to being theoretically outnumbered by the Russians, but wave after wave of inexperienced Russian conscripts are simply cut down in mid-stride by defensive machine gun fire. This evens the numerical odds quite nicely for Ukraine.


プーチン一派を一掃せよ、ロシア国民自身の手で! 民主国家を樹立せよ! FSBなど解体すべし。恐怖政治や密告社会から脱却せよ!

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