

アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): Ukraine counter-offensive

2023年6月11日(Sun.)10:30UP       :   プーチンが演説したそうですが、彼等の言葉は全てデッチ上げでウソの塊としか思えません。(ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie  6月10日発 )


Ukraine counter-offensive: Ukrainian units slice through first line of Russian defence across multiple sectors

Ukrainian units, using Western armor as spearhead, have sliced through the first line of Russian defence across multiple sectors.


Latest battle reports suggest that most Russian troops simply turned away and ran at the sight of the coming attack. The joke was on them when they attempted to flee through their own minefields. Ukrainian operators bemusedly witnessed scores of Russian soldiers being blown to pieces as they ran, saving the Ukrainian valuable bullets in the process.

Ukrainian troops have been particularly successful in the Bakhmut cauldron, which became the grave of tens of thousands of Russian troops over the past few months. After grinding the Russian army to fine dust, Ukrainian units are now working to encircle Bakhmut and annihilate any Russian asset still standing in the ruined city.


ロシア国民よ、日和見主義から脱却せよ! ウソだらけのプーチン一派を打倒せよ、今すぐに!

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