

アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): Ukrainian units liberate front line village

2023年6月12日(Mon.)14:30UP     :   ロシア軍人も無駄に命を落とすな! プーチンに盲従するな! ウクライナを侵攻する意味は全く無い! ただ単に、プーチンは自己の権益を護りたいだけなのだ。自国民が100万人死んだとしてもプーチンは平気なのだ! (ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie  6月11日発 )


Ukraine counter-offensive: Ukrainian units liberate front line village, advance continues

Ukrainian units have reportedly liberated a front line village, and the advance continues.

Blahodatne sits on the front line between Zaporizhzhia and Donetsk in southeastern Ukraine. Elements attached to the 68th Brigade hoisted the Ukrainian flag over the area earlier today.

Battle reports say that Ukrainian operators were merciful to the Russian troops holed up in Blahodatne, and offered them to surrender. The Russians refused, and so they were quickly eliminated.


ロシア兵よ、ロシア国民よ、立ち上がれ! 今すぐに! プーチン政権を打倒せよ!

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