

アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): Ukraine liberates more settlements

2023年6月13日(Tue.)10:30UP       :   ロシア国民よ、事実を知れ! ロシア国営放送よ、プロパガンダを垂れ流すのではなく事実をロシア国民に伝えよ! 今のままではプーチン犯罪者への加担者である! (ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie   6月12日発 )


Ukraine counter-offensive: Ukraine liberates more settlements as army steamrolls over thin Russian defence lines

Ukraine has liberated more settlements as its army steamrolls over thin Russian defence lines.


The main thrust of the initial phases of Ukraine’s decisive counter-offensive is focused on south and southwestern sectors, where the distance between the temporarily occupied territory and the Black Sea is shorter.

According to many reports, the vast majority of Russian soldiers simply lay down their weapons and flee at the first sight of incoming Ukrainian units.

Sabotage groups are also very active behind Russian lines, with at least two train locomotives being destroyed in recent days, preventing vital fuel from reaching front-line Russian units.


ロシア国民よ決起せよ! プーチン政権・プーチン一派を一掃せよ! 民主主義国家を樹立せよ! 独裁政治に終止符を!

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