

アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): Russian currency devaluates to a historic record low

2023年7月9日(Sun.)14:15UP         :   望ましいのは、ロシア国民が蜂起することです。または、ロシア国軍か治安部隊の一部が蜂起を先導することです。(ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie   7月8日発 )


Russian currency devaluates to a historic record low against the dollar and the euro as Russian economy implodes

The Russian currency has devaluated to a historic record low against the dollar and the euro as the country’s economy implodes.


Russia’s ruble has been ravaged by West-imposed sanctions following the ill-advised invasion of Ukraine.

The currency has lost nearly three-quarters of its value against the US dollar and is worth half of what it was against the euro only last summer.

Most analysts predict a sharp decrease in standards of living and very high unemployment for Russia in the short term, which may very well lead to widespread social unrest as Russian society breaks down and pays for its President’s madness.


プーチンのデッチ上げに合わせるな! ラブロフもペスコフも嘘つきだ。しかも、平然として言い切る。但し、根拠や証跡を示すことは皆無だ、デッチ上げだから・・・。


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