

アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): United States approves the sale of NASAMS

2023年5月26日(Fri.)10:30UP      :   早くロシア国内の反政府勢力が一斉蜂起することを期待します。兎に角、プーチン侵略戦争には何の大義も正義もありません。単に、プーチンの個人的権益を維持するための策謀です。デッチ上げの塊で、スターリン時代を彷彿させます。一方で、ロシア人の日和見主義には辟易します。(ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie    5月25日発 )


United States approves the sale of NASAMS air defence platforms to Ukraine

The United States has issued preliminary approval for the sale of NASAMS air defence platforms to Ukraine.


National Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile System (NASAMS) is a highly transportable, ground-based state-of-the-art weapon platform that utilizes AIM-120 and AIM-9X missiles to engage aerial targets at a range of up to 120km and an altitude of up to 21,000mts, depending on the missile type.

NASAMS can easily destroy any aircraft type, including helicopters, which means that any Russian raider that comes within range will be detected and engaged.

Ukraine’s powerful military will likely integrate NASAMS with the Patriot batteries to create an even deadlier environment for Russian aerial assets.


ロシア国民よ立ち上がれ! 日和見主義と決別せよ! 真の民主主義国家に生まれ変われ!

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