

アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): Thousands evacuated from Russian town

2023年6月4日(Sun.)14:30UP      :   ロシア国民よ、日和見主義から脱却せよ! ロシアがウクライナを侵略する理由は微塵も存在しない。プーチンによる自作自演のデッチ上げストーリーだ。彼の目的は自己の権益を守りたいだけ。他の独裁者達と同じだ。そして、ロシア国営放送も日和見主義に陥っている。 ジャーナリズムに徹せよ、プロパガンダを垂れ流すな! (ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie   6月3日発 )


Thousands evacuated from Russian town following Ukrainian bombardment, with casualties reported

Thousands have been evacuated from a Russian town following Ukrainian bombardment, with casualties reported.

Over 2,000 people from the Shebekino district in Belgorod were hurriedly evacuated due to a rapidly intensifying campaign of precision strikes in the area. The evacuation led to panic and mayhem on local roads, with locals likely unable to return to their homes for the foreseeable future, and that’s assuming that their homes remain standing following systematic bombardment by expert Ukrainian gunners.

Ukraine is now conducting almost daily bombing campaigns in an effort to eradicate any military threat over in the Belgorod area.



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