

アイルランド発発(datelined Ireland): Thousands of Russian conscripts refuse to fight anymore

2023年7月5日(Wed.)12:00UP    :   良識ああるロシア人よ、立ち上がれ! プーチンやオルガリヒ、FSB、それらに同調する犯罪加担者一派を一掃せよ! 自らの手で! (ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie  7月4日発 )


Ukraine counter-offensive: Thousands of Russian conscripts refuse to fight anymore after their units sustain grievous losses at the hands of Ukrainian operators

Thousands of Russian conscripts are reportedly refusing to fight anymore after their units sustained grievous losses at the hands of Ukrainian operators.


Newly arrived conscripts say that they don’t want to carry out ‘senseless and suicidal orders.’

The reports arose following battle reports that hundreds of conscripts were pulverized by Ukrainian artillery after they were told to advance in a neat line towards the line of contact.

The remains wouldn’t fill a shoebox, but it convinced their comrades to give up the fight and run.



いずれにしても、早くクリミアを奪還して欲しいし、東部からもロシア人を追放して欲しいものです。つまり“原状(現状ではない)回復“ です。(元の状態に戻す意味です。)

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