

アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): Precision Ukrainian strike obliterates Russian ammunition storage facility

2023年7月6日(Thu.)12:30UP      :   テロ国家ロシアは消えるしかない。(ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie  7月5日発 )


Ukraine counter-offensive: Precision Ukrainian strike obliterates Russian ammunition storage facility in Makiivka, secondary explosions cause further damage

A precision Ukrainian strike has reportedly obliterated a Russian ammunition storage facility in Makiivka, with secondary explosions causing further damage to surrounding areas.


Reconnaissance footage of the target area revealed hundreds of ammunition boxes haphazardly strewn across an inner, open courtyard. Ukrainian military analysts concluded that the boxes contained Soviet-era 122mm Grad rockets.

The night-time strike completely destroyed the rockets. Secondary detonations fired ammunition off in multiple directions, causing significant damage to adjacent buildings, which were reportedly occupied by Russian troops.

The post-strike report logged the event as ‘another formation of Russian terrorists in the temporarily occupied Makiivka ceased to exist.’



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