

アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): Russia now reportedly sending soccer hooligans to the front lines

2022年12月1日(Thu.)14:15UP     :   プーチン政権を転覆させるのはロシア国民であり、それに同調する武力部隊が必須条件です。(ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie  11月30日発 )


Ukraine counter-offensive: Russia now reportedly sending soccer hooligans to the front lines in a desperate attempt to replenish battlefield losses

Russia is truly scraping the bottom of the barrel as the country is now reportedly sending soccer hooligans to the front lines in a desperate attempt to replenish battlefield losses.

After prisoners, the infirm, and inexperienced conscripts were massacred, the next batch of cannon fodder is being lifted from the soccer fanbase.

Russia is expected to lose as many as 100,000 soldiers by the end of the year to the far more experienced and motivated Ukrainian army.



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