

アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): sending homeless men to the Ukrainian front lines

2022年10月15日(Sat.)10:45UP     :   プーチンに死を! (ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie    10月14日発 )


Ukraine counter-offensive: Russia reportedly sending homeless men to the Ukrainian front lines in a truly desperate attempt to bolster the country’s dwindling army

Russia is reportedly now sending homeless men to the front lines in a truly desperate attempt to bolster the country’s rapidly dwindling army.

Local sources say that military recruiters have been scouring homeless shelters and the streets of some Russian cities, picking up anyone with a pulse and at least one good eye and forcibly enrolling them into the armed forces.

From being hungry and sleeping rough one night to facing a well-fed, well-trained, motivated enemy the next. What could possibly go wrong, really.



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