

アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): Belgium to send $100m of tax income

2023年5月13日(Sat.)15:30UP      :  破壊された住居や道路・諸施設等の復興費用は全てロシアが負担すべきものです。また、亡くなった人への賠償金もプーチン・ロシアが全て負うことになります。(ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie   5月12日発 )


Belgium to send $100m of tax income on frozen Russian assets to Ukraine to help rebuild the country

Belgium is to send $100m of tax income on frozen Russian assets to Ukraine to help rebuild the country.

This follows the sending of millions of dollars worth of assets confiscated from oligarch Konstantin Malofeyev to Ukraine in recent days.

It is understood that there currently are around $300bn worth of frozen assets belonging to Russian oligarchs and other criminals around the world. The cost of rebuilding Ukraine is estimated to be about $350bn, so the frozen assets will pay for most of that, though Russia will likely be forced to fork out many multiples of that in war reparations. This is likely to lead to complete financial ruin for Russia.




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