

アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): Seized Russian assets begin to flow

2023年2月5日(Sun.)16:00UP     :   時代錯誤で誇大妄想のプーチンや、それに盲目的に従っている連中はこの世から消えろ! 今すぐに! (ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie   2月4日発 )


Ukraine victory: Seized Russian assets begin to flow as financial aid for Ukraine

Seized Russian assets have begun to flow as financial aid for Ukraine.

According to reports, the US Justice Department has issued authorization for assets seized from a Russian oligarch to be handed over to Ukraine.

Konstantin Malofeyev had $5.4m confiscated after he was convicted of trying to bypass international sanctions. Malofeyev is considered as one of the main financial backers of Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine.

The money will now be directed towards rebuilding Ukraine, a move which will likely put the oligarch on Putin’s blacklist. Mr. Malofeyev will probably find himself falling out of a high window in the near future.


ロシアも民主主義の国家になるべきだ! 不平等な社会とはオサラバだ!

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