

アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): Ukrainian President hands US President a medal

2022年12月22日(Thu.)15:30UP     :    ロシア国民よ、目覚めよ! 一斉蜂起せよ! 今すぐに・・・だ! (ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie  12月21日発 )


BREAKING: Ukrainian President hands US President a medal for bravery

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has reportedly handed US President Joe Biden a medal for bravery.

The medal had been passed on from a captain fighting in the Bakhmut sector.

The courageous Ukrainian President is in Washington today, on his first foreign trip since the start of the Russian invasion.

Mr. Biden referred to the gift as a ‘great honour’.

The relationship between the two men contrasts starkly with that of the disgraced former President Donald Trump, who actually try to blackmail the Ukrainian President to get him to dig non-existent ‘dirt’ on Joe Biden. This led directly to Mr. Trump’s first impeachment.


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