

アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): Russia has reportedly lost over 100,000 troops dead, wounded, or missing

2022年12月23日(Fri.)16:00UP     :   ロシア国民が決起すべきです。プーチン一派を駆逐して下さい、今すぐ。あなた達は騙されています、プーチンに。(ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie  12月22日発 )


Ukraine counter-offensive: Russia has reportedly lost over 100,000 troops dead, wounded, or missing in the Ukraine meat grinder

Russia has reportedly lost over 100,000 troops dead, wounded, or missing in the Ukraine meat grinder.

But despite these staggering losses, it is understood that Russian President Vladimir Putin couldn’t care less if 1m young men died in a war that Russia has already lost anyway. In his twisted worldview, the greatest the loss of life is, the most significant the event is.

Most analysts believe that the fate of Mr. Putin is interlinked with that of the outcome of the campaign, meaning that he’s probably doomed also.




目覚めよ! ロシア国民!

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