

アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): Unhinged Russian President Vladimir Putin bizarrely claims

2022年9月8日(Thu.)10:30UP     :   狂っているプーチンを止めるのはロシア国民でなければなりません。(ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie  9月7日発 )


Unhinged Russian President Vladimir Putin bizarrely claims that Russia ‘hasn’t lost anything’ in Ukraine, despite tens of thousands of dead or wounded troops, hundreds of tanks and aircraft destroyed, dozens of artillery pieces and trucks blown to pieces, capital ships sunk, and tons of assorted war material reduced to dust

A seriously deluded and utterly unhinged Russian President engaged in legendary gaslighting today when he claimed that Russia ‘hasn’t lost anything’ in Ukraine.

Maybe he missed the memo that talks about tens of thousands of dead or wounded troops, hundreds of tanks and aircraft destroyed, dozens of artillery pieces and trucks blown to pieces, capital ships sunk, long-range missiles shot down, and tons of assorted war material reduced to dust.

It is well known that Russian military leaders tend to gloss over the truth and relay fantasies to the boss to save their own behinds, so it is conceivable that Mr. Putin really does believe that Russia ‘hasn’t lost anything.’

The reality on the ground, however, is quite a far cry from such delusion.


ロシア国民よ,躊躇せずに一斉蜂起せよ! 日和見主義を脱却せよ!

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