

アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): after their humiliating retreat from the Black Sea

2022年7月1日(Fri.)12:15UP    :   ロシア国民よ、いつまで世界の人々を待たせる気か?! (ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie  6月30日発 )


Ukraine crisis: Russia scrambles to cobble together a ‘we meant it to end that way’ type excuse after their humiliating retreat from the Black Sea

Russia is now scrambling to cobble together a ‘we meant it to end that way’ type excuse after their humiliating retreat from the Black Sea.

According to Russian propaganda, their hurried exit from Snake Island in the Black Sea is a ‘gesture of good will’ that they totally, absolutely, meant to do all along.

The truth is that the garrison there was overwhelmed by a combined arms strike overnight, involving artillery barrages and missile launches.

Ukraine has now absolute superiority in the Black Sea, which has become a watery grave for more than one Russian vessel and many a crewmember.


プーチン独裁政権に終止符を打て! それはロシア国民の手によるものでなければならない。

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