

アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): Latest Russian strike on a civilian target

2022年7月2日(Sat.)13:15UP    :   プーチン政権による蛮行は絶対に許しません。ロシア国民はプロパガンダに騙されるな! また、恐怖政治を打破せよ! (ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie  7月1日発 )


Ukraine crisis: Latest Russian strike on a civilian target kills at least 19, including 2 children

The latest Russian strike on a civilian target has killed at least 19, including 2 children.

The Russian military targeted an apartment complex near the Black Sea port of Odesa.

The cowardly attack is being seen as revenge for the humiliating defeat of the Russian garrison at Snake Island yesterday. A perfectly executed combined arms operation prompted the Russian troops to jump on the nearest two boats and speed away from the island.

Elsewhere in the Ukrainian theater of operations, Ukrainian troops continue to destroy Russian armor wholesale by using West-supplied weaponry, including Raytheon FGM-148 Javelins and British Thales NLAW. Using these weapons and deploying far superior tactics that are no match for Russia’s obsolete military doctrine, Ukrainian soldiers have been able to destroy scores of Russian T-72 battle tanks, the mangled remains of which litter the battlefield, along with what’s left of the ill-fated crews.


プーチン政権の利己主義者達を絶対に許すな! 自分達の独裁体制を堅持する為の口実をデッチ上げて共通の敵を作り上げ破壊のかぎりを尽くしているのだ。これを解決するのはロシア国民自身でなければならない、核爆弾を使用させない為にも・・・。

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