

アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): Ukraine believes it can retake Kherson by the end of November

2022年10月30日(Sun.)14:30UP     :   ハロウィンの催しが開かれる中、お隣韓国で150人以上の死者を出してしまうと言う大惨事が昨夜発生しました。こうした無秩序な群衆が集まるエリアには近づかないようにしたいものです。(ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie   10月29日発 )


Ukraine counter-offensive: Ukraine believes it can retake Kherson by the end of November, and that this latest Russian defeat will signify the end of Vladimir Putin

Ukraine believes it can retake Kherson by the end of November, and that this latest Russian defeat will signify the end of Vladimir Putin.

The Russian army managed to take Kherson in the early days of the invasion, and has held the city ever since. Kherson is a key enclave in Ukraine’s south, and retaking it would mean that the Ukrainian army could use it as a lynchpin to launch further counter-offensive operations towards the east, or crucially, southwards towards Crimea, which Russia illegally annexed in 2014.

More specifically, Ukraine would be able to deny the entire Crimea Peninsula of fresh water, which would create a dire crisis for the Russian Government, and hopefully bring about the end of the Putin regime.



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