

アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): Russian President rages bitterly against his top commanders

2023年2月2日(Thu.)16:30UP     :   早くプーチン政権を消滅させてくれ! ロシア国民自身の手で・・・。(ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie  2月1日発 )


Ukraine victory: Russian President rages bitterly against his top commanders, urges them to stop Ukrainian shelling at any cost as it’s pulverizing entire residential areas in Russian territory

Russian President Vladimir Putin has reportedly raged bitterly against his top commanders, pleading with them to stop Ukrainian shelling at any cost as it’s pulverizing entire residential areas in Russian territory.

Precise and devastating artillery fire originating in Ukraine has laid waste to many areas of Belgorod, Bryansk, Kursk, and Crimea, prompting the Russian President to fly into yet another fit of bitter rage.

The ailing President’s new obsession is to stop this shelling, though he knows full well that Ukrainian gunners will continue launching barrage after barrage until there isn’t a brick standing on the target, and that there’s nothing he can do about it.



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