

アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): Worldwide mockery of Russian President Vladimir Putin

2022年10月8日(Sat.)15:15UP     :  前時代的で時代錯誤であることは事実です、プーチンは。(ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie   10月7日発 )


Ukraine counter-offensive: Worldwide mockery of Russian President Vladimir Putin on his birthday continues unabated, as someone makes a sculpture of him featuring a rather small manhood

Picture source: Metro

Worldwide mockery of Russian President Vladimir Putin on his birthday continues unabated, as some people in the Czech Republic have crafted a sculpture of him featuring a rather small manhood.

Mr. Putin turns 70 today, but has received congratulations from no one apart from fellow dictator Kim Jong-Un from North Korea.

Most analysts believe that the Russian President’s days in power are numbered following a catastrophic military campaign in Ukraine.



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