

アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): Russian President desperately scrapes the bottom of the population

2022年8月26日(Fri.)14:00UP    :   ロシア国民よ! 立ち上がれ! 君たちは消耗部品なのか?! プーチン政権をぶっ潰せ! (ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie  8月25日発 )


Ukraine crisis: Russian President desperately scrapes the bottom of the population barrel in last ditch attempt to cobble together something resembling an army in the face of Ukraine’s deadly efficiency in killing Russians

Russian President Vladimir Putin is today desperately scraping the bottom of the population barrel in a last ditch attempt to cobble together something resembling an army in the face of Ukraine’s on-point killing machine.

According to reports, the Russian President has issued a decree to draft 137,000 young men into the army.

Most of these men will undergo little to no training and be sent to the frontlines, where they will likely be killed soon after arriving.


プーチン政権の彼らの家族を優先的に前線に送り込んでみよ! 権力者は実にズルイ! これを打破するには,ロシア国民自身が一斉に蜂起することだ! 日和見主義的傾向から脱却せよ! 密告制度を禁止せよ! 人民戦線を復活させよ!

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