

ドイツ発(datelined Germany): Ukraine appears to prepare counteroffensive against Russia

2022年8月20日(Sat.)15:00UP    :   プーチンの言うなりになっている愚かなロシア軍上層部には鉄槌を下すのが妥当でしょう。それとは別に,ロシア国民よ一斉蜂起せよ! (ニュースソース: DWーDE 8月19日発 )


Ukraine appears to prepare counteroffensive against Russia

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has teased a counteroffensive in Ukraine. So are recent attacks on railroad logistics, command and communication facilities in territories occupied by Russia's army preparations for that?

Ukrainian soldiers are preparing to counter attacks by Russia

Ben Hodges, a former general in the US army and commander-in-chief of US forces in Europe, told DW that there are signs that Russia's army is weakening following explosions at Russia's airfield on the Crimean Peninsula and Ukrainian artillery hits on dozens of ammunition depots and commando units in Russian-occupied areas.

"This shows that they are vulnerable," Hodges said. "It also shows that their logistical system is depleted. The Russians don't even have enough people or capability to protect their operational logistics."

Hodges compared the situation to the months of fighting between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Red Army in southern Ukraine in 1943 during World War II. "The German Wehrmacht had to deploy hundreds of thousands of soldiers just to protect the rail lines in Ukraine and Belarus," Hodges said.

(注: 以下,転載省略。 原文サイトは下記のリンクへ )



ロシア国民よ目覚めよ! プーチンの独裁はスターリンの模倣だ! デッチ上げのモスクワ裁判等を思い起こせ!

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