

ドイツ発(Germany 🇩🇪): Vladimir Putin's sham referendums

2022年9月28日(Wed.)11:30UP     :   プーチンのデッチ上げ手法は世界には通用しませんが,強引にまかり通ろうとする姿勢には鉄槌が下されるでしょう。そしてそれはロシア国民自身によるものでなければなりません。ロシア各地で一斉蜂起あるのみです。(ニュースソース: DWーDE  9月27日発 )


Opinion: Vladimir Putin's sham referendums in Ukraine are a sign of weakness

Russia is trying to repeat the 2014 Crimean Peninsula plebiscite to annex more of Ukraine. This ruse will fail, writes DW's Konstantin Eggert.

Nothing but a sham: The "referendums" in Ukraine are a half-hearted attempt by Putin to show strength

The Moscow-organized "referendums" in the four partially occupied Ukrainian regions draw to a close on Tuesday. 

Everyone, including President Vladimir Putin himself, knows these plebiscites are even more fake than the March 2014 Crimean Peninsula "referendum" spectacle which led to the Ukrainian peninsula's annexation by Russia. The results are predictable. Later this week, the Kremlin will formally announce that the regions of Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporizhzhia and Kherson all "voted" to join Russia. Putin will no doubt grant their wish and sign the accession documents in the coming days to give himself a present on his 70th birthday on October 7.

The world will not recognize this sham vote much like it did not acknowledge the Crimean land grab. Maybe Russia's client states like Eritrea and Syria, or unrecognized entities like Abkhazia and South Ossetia (both forcibly taken by Russia from Georgia in 2008) will. 

(注: 中略)

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プーチンのやっていることは,スターリンの模倣のようにしか見えません。あのデッチ上げのモスクワ裁判のように・・・。ロシア国民よ立ち上がれ! そして,プーチンの取り巻き連中は,日和見主義と決別せよ! 後になって,“私達も被害者だった“とは言わせない!

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