

アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): Increasingly desperate Russian troops

2022年7月13日(Wed.)15:30UP     :   ロシア国民は、いつまで傍観しているのでしょうか。嘘やデッチ上げで見せかけの事実を平然と言い放つ輩はプーチンやラブロフだけではないようです。(ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie   7月12日発 )


Ukraine crisis: Increasingly desperate Russian troops now on the defensive across most of Ukraine as Ukrainian troops regain the initiative

There are growing reports of increasingly desperate Russian troops now forced to take a defensive stance across most of Ukraine, as Ukrainian troops regain the initiative.

Ukraine struck no fewer than three ammunition stockpiles in areas of Mykolaiv that remain under tenuous Russian control.

In neighboring Kherson, Ukrainian attack helicopters hit Russian positions over the past few hours.

The general feeling is that the tide is slowly turning in Ukraine’s favor, and that the remaining Russian troops will be systematically slaughtered unless they flee the country immediately.




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