

アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): Ukrainian forces strike Russian convoy

2022年3月5日(Sat.)14:30UP    :   ウクライナ軍も頑張っているようです。が、武器弾薬等の補給が必須でしょう。(ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie  3月4日発 )


Ukraine crisis: Ukrainian forces strike Russian convoy stalled outside Kyiv and blow bridge to hinder its advance


Ukrainian forces have struck the Russian convoy stalled outside Kyiv and blown a bridge to hinder its advance.

The long convoy, described as ‘sitting ducks’ by military analysts, has sustained damage following hit-and-run attacks by Ukrainian special forces.

The convoy has been stalled for several days as Russian supply lines become stretched, with sources reporting that Russian soldiers have little to no food, and their vehicles are out, or almost out of fuel.

There have been multiple reports of Russian troops surrendering without a fight and sabotaging their own vehicles so they don’t have to enter combat.





