

アイルランド(Ireland 🇮🇪): “We feel we have to go”

2022年2月28日(Mon.)13:00    :   プーチンA級戦犯です、一命を持って償うしかありません。また、良識ある国軍(ロシア)や治安部隊の一斉蜂起を期待します。(ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie  2月27日発 )


“We feel we have to go” – Ukrainians living in Ireland board flights to head back to fight for their homeland


Dublin Airport saw many tears today as Ukrainian men living in Ireland decided to board flights out of the country to head back to the Ukraine to fight for their homeland.

Many Ukrainians said that they felt they had no other option other than go back to the Ukraine and pick up arms to fight for their fellow countrymen.

They boarded flights to Warsaw in Poland and plan on heading across the Ukrainian border by car.

Families were seen crying not knowing when they’ll see their loved ones again.

Meanwhile possible breakthrough talks are potentially starting on the Belarus border between Ukrainian and Russian leaders.


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