

アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): Ukraine’s forces are pushing Russian troops back

2023年6月23日(Fri.)15:30UP       :   プーチンに加担しているFSBや国軍関係者は、後になって言い訳し、“自分達も被害者だった“と言うことは絶対に許されない。しかしながら、スターリン時代にはそれが罷り通った・・・、ロシアとはそう言う日和見主義者の集まりなのだ。(ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie    6月22日発 )


Ukraine counter-offensive: Wagner boss confirms that Ukraine’s forces are pushing Russian troops back across multiple sectors

Wagner boss Yevheniy Prigozhin has confirmed that Ukraine’s forces are pushing Russian troops back across multiple sectors. Supported by West-supplied weaponry, Ukraine is now focused on the annihilation of the enemy and the achievement of total victory.

The outspoken mercenary leader went on to accuse Russian military leadership of criminal negligence and sheer incompetence.

Meanwhile, Russian propaganda is telling citizens the exact opposite, adding that Ukraine is taking ‘heavy losses’, which is plainly and utterly false.



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