

アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): Russian President living in constant fear

2023年2月15日(Wed.)14:00UP     :   ロシア国民よ、一斉蜂起せよ! (ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie    2月14日発 )


Ukraine victory: Russian President living in constant fear and paranoia of being poisoned amidst power struggle

Russian President Vladimir Putin is reportedly living in constant fear and paranoia of being poisoned amidst a power struggle in the Kremlin’s inner circles.

The ailing President, who himself has dispatched many of his political opponents via poisonous substances, now finds himself increasingly isolated lest he meets a similar end.

Mr. Putin’s disastrous campaign in Ukraine has caused a rift between him and many oligarchs, who may now consider the Russian President a liability.


そもそも、ロシアの政治体制・権力構造を抜本的に見直すべきなのです。一部の上層部が権益を独占している格差社会は打倒すべきです。中国共産党も類似の構図に陥っていませんか? また、その他の独裁国家民主化へ舵を切るべきでしょう。それぞれの国で国民が蜂起すべきです。

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