

アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): Ukrainian special forces carrying out covert operations

2023年2月10日(Fri.)11:00UP     :    プーチン一派を一掃せよ、ロシア国民の手で! (ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie  2月9日発 )


Ukraine victory: Ukrainian special forces carrying out covert operations on Russian soil

Ukrainian special forces are known to be carrying out covert operations on Russian soil.


Operating in 3-4 men teams, these cells have been linked to a string of mysterious explosions and fires deep in enemy territory.

Such covert activity ties down a significant amount of resources and creates an atmosphere of tension and paranoia in Russian society, which detracts from the war effort.

These actions also show Russian President Vladimir Putin how porous his borders are and how easy it is for well-trained teams to infiltrate the country and destroy it from within.


ロシア国民に対する真実報道を続けて欲しい。プーチンに騙されるな! ウクライナにネオナチなど存在しない。また、西側諸国・NATOは脅威ではない。プーチンは自分の権益を維持したいだけのエゴイスト! 同時に時代錯誤者! ロシア国民は日和見主義者になるな!

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