

アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): Ukrainian special forces infiltrate enemy airbase

2022年11月2日(Wed.)16:45UP     :   ロシア国民は膨大な負債・戦争賠償金を背負ってしまったことに気がついていないのでしょうか。プーチンやその一派が支払えない戦争賠償金はロシア全体として負うことになるのは当然のことです。従って、これ以上のウクライナに対する破壊・侵略行為はロシア国民自身の手で食い止めるべきです。プーチンとその一派を打倒しましょう、今すぐ! (ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie   11月1日発 )


Ukraine counter-offensive: Ukrainian special forces infiltrate enemy airbase and destroy two attack helicopters, with heavy damage inflicted to a third aircraft

In news just in, a Ukrainian special forces team reportedly infiltrated an enemy airbase and destroyed two attack helicopters, with heavy damage inflicted to a third aircraft.

According to Ukrainian sources, the raid took place at the Russian army’s Veretye air base in north-western Pskov Region, far behind enemy lines, on October 30th.

The operatives planted explosive charges on four Kamaz-52 attack helicopters parked on the tarmac. Two were completely destroyed, one sustained heavy damage, and the fourth set of explosives did not detonate. The strike force exfiltrated safely and unnoticed by enemy forces.

The loss of these aircraft represents a significant blow to Russia’s close air support capabilities in the region.



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